Sunday 18th February
Sunday morning started with a heavy cloud cover which dispersed before midday to provide the RACV -AOMC 2024 Car Show participants and spectators an excellent day out that celebrated 125 years of a Renault , 90 years for the Traction Avant Citroen and 60 years of the Mercedes Benz pagoda SL series.
Also on display amongst a trio of exceptionally well presented Bristol 403's was a rarely seen 400 Zagato.
With acknowledgement to some behind the scenes manoeuvring, the area set aside for the Bristol display was in a premier location and the 403’s driven in by Matt and Lynn Egan, Alistair Shepherd and Tim Cutler were joined by Ian Tonkin in his 400 Zagato.
Matt and Lynn were securing the involvement of future generations as they were accompanied by their grandson Zac, planting the vision of driving a Bristol 405 when he obtains his manual licence in a few years .
A number of Bristol club members sans Bristol unfortunately, stopped by to say hello and discuss the forthcoming national rally amongst general car torque. As always , the cars are a magnet for the misty eyed, recalling past mentors or neighbours who “ had one of these when I was growing up …” As well as those with a curiosity about the construction, style and beauty of the marque.
This annual event is a premier occasion in the car show calendar, attracting great numbers of exceptionally well presented models, as well as some original examples, from throughout Europe and from a range of British carmakers, with vehicles from the brass era to the 21st century proudly on display.
However, as this is a posting on the BOCA website , you will only see photos of the Bristol marque.……if you want to see more, you’ll need to be there next year .
Mark Macallister